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Nuestro director creativo, Alfredo Maúl acompañado de Gabriela Quinn, Directora de Glasswing Guatemala asistieron a Pachamama; donde compartieron ideas acerca de los eco-valores y cómo estos pueden ser fomentados. También se habló acerca del Aula Semilla y los efectos positivos de la implementación de este tipo de proyectos. A lo largo de una hora se habló acerca de la educación ambiental para niños, la importancia de la concientización, el respeto y el cuidado del medio ambiente. Ver el programa aquí The SEED classroom, a sustainable, bio-climatic and low-cost educational facility, is designed for rural and urban areas and aims to form eco-values in children from 4-17 years old. The project consists of building a classroom which doubles as an environmental educational tool within an existing public or private school. During and after the construction, the SEED Classroom will be used as an opportunity to teach many students, teachers, scholars, businessmen, workers and farmers from the local communities where they will be built. The building opens to the natural elements. Natural illumination, cross ventilation, bamboo and rain-water harvesting are some of its key features. The first prototype was built in a Guatemalan public school and was designed and constructed by the Environmental Association G-22. The project was funded by Duke Energy Guatemala and coordinated by Glasswing International. iReport G-22.org Link Glasswing International, Duke Energy Guatemala and G-22, are proud to announce the firstAula Semilla, or green classroom, a sustainable, bio-climatic and low-cost educational facility. The prototype was recently inaugurated at a public school in Escuintla, with the goal of expanding to other rural communities in Guatemala. The classroom itself doubles as an educational tool which can be used to teach people – students, teachers, businesses, community members and others – about the importance of environmental sustainability and responsible natural resource management and consumption. Read more here. |
MediosG-22 también se concentra en colaborar con medios para expandir conocimiento propositivo en temas ambientales e innovación social. Nuestro equipo está Archivo
Enero 2023